My Pretties

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pink Wednesday ~ OPI Sparrow Me the Drama & Silver Shatter

Hey dolls, this is my first official "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink" post...yay!!! Today I'm wearing OPI's Sparrow Me the Drama from the Pirates of the Caribbean collection. This color is a dusty rose pink, that is slightly muted...its not too bright, not too dull. If you like pinks that aren't too "girly", then this is the shade for you. I purchased this shade from my local Trade Secret over the weekend. I had no clue they sold nail polish...I only thought they had hair products. So imagine my happiness when I found a place where I could get OPI on the ground!!! Back to Sparrow Me the Drama...the color went on okay. It was a tad bit streaky, but I was able to even it out in 2 thin coats. I picked up OPI's Silver Shatter as well. No issues with the formula here. On to the pics...
with flash
without flash
love the way the shatter looks with my ring :)
This was a late night mani, so sorry dolls, no outdoor/sunlight pics. I'm pleased with this mani...I think the silver shatter accent spices up the pink. I have a few more colors from the Pirates of the Caribbean collection that I'll be swatching soon. Unfortunately Mermaid's Tears was out of stock, but she put me on the contact list for when the next shipment arrives!!!

What are you wearing for Pink Wednesday? 


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