My Pretties

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

R & P is now on Bloglovin

Hey dolls, some of you may have heard that Google will be doing away with Google Friend Connect in March 2012 to be replaced by Google+ (here is an article that provides full details). The immediate impact of this will be on blogs not hosted by Blogger. While I'm currently hosted by Blogger, that may change in time. Therefore, here are the other ways you can keep up with the happenings at Refined and Polished.

  • Facebook: Posts are shared and photo albums are updated regularly on the fan page
  • RSS Feeds: Allows you to subscribe to the RSS reader of your choice to read posts
  • Bloglovin: Allows you to follow multiple blogs and view them all in one place
I will be subscribing to all of the blogs I follow through one of these methods to ensure that I stay up to date with their posts. I may create a Google+ page at some point, but I do not see the utility of it right now. I have a personal page that I never use, so only time will tell. 

Please let me know if you have any questions and if you are on Bloglovin. I love all of the fashion and style blogs that I am finding through it!


  1. i'm bloglovin ya xxx

  2. I'll find you on bloglovin and add you there. I'm on there as well, so feel free to add me. I'll also like on fb.

  3. I added you on bloglovin! I'm on bloglovin' as well!


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